Freshman Playbook Brochure

Acquisition, Brochure


Freshman Playbook is an interactive online course for any new College Freshman who needs guidance and personalized coaching to better succeed in college.
The client was unhappy with previous versions of this brochure that were created by other designers. Reason: They were ineffective in explaining what the Freshman Playbook was all about and why prospects need it. My mission: A full redo, to make the brochure do its job.
I started by studying the underperforming brochures: Bad Brochure 1   Bad Brochure 2. In analyzing what improvements could be made, I noticed that the design was being taken over by large boxes; space could be used much better. Secondly, the copy was long and not benefit-focused; it talked more about the components of the program and not so much about why you need this online course. How I changed all that: I gave the front cover design a cleaner look and added graphics inside to move the story visually and make it more scannable for today’s busy readers. Copy was tightened and material that did not advance the major benefits was cut. Plus, I added a Q&A box on 3 pages, to address a customer’s most pressing concerns. To help buyers take action faster, I highlighted their best option with an arrow next to the best price copy and included the words Best Choice.
A very satisfied client. Many more brochures were developed from the work I did, to provide stronger messaging for their other products. Click here, for examples.

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